Friday, January 22, 2010

MacGruber Green-Band Trailer

MacGruber Green-Band Trailer
We brought you the red-band trailer for the upcoming MacGruber film just a few days ago, and now the studio has released a safer green-band version to lure unsuspecting families into its R-rated den of sin. The film is an adaptation of the SNL sketches featuring Will Forte as the titular MacGuyver spoof. In addition to Forte, the cast also includes Kristen Wiig, Val Kilmer, Powers Boothe, and Maya Rudolph. Forte co-wrote the film with SNL writers John Solomon and Jorma Taccone, and the film is also Taccone's feature directing debut. While the red-band trailer was well received by many, I think that may have been partially due to the low expectations we had for this adaptation. The shock factor alone in seeing the formerly TV-censored character let loose with profanity was enough for a few laughs --- but I'm still unsure that they'll be able to keep the quality consistent ...


We brought you the red-band trailer for the upcoming MacGruber film just a few days ago, and now the studio has released a safer green-band version to lure unsuspecting families into its R-rated den of sin. The film is an adaptation of the SNL sketches featuring Will Forte as the titular MacGuyver spoof. In addition to Forte, the cast also includes Kristen Wiig, Val Kilmer, Powers Boothe, and Maya Rudolph.

Forte co-wrote the film with SNL writers John Solomon and Jorma Taccone, and the film is also Taccone’s feature directing debut.

While the red-band trailer was well received by many, I think that may have been partially due to the low expectations we had for this adaptation. The shock factor alone in seeing the formerly TV-censored character let loose with profanity was enough for a few laughs — but I’m still unsure that they’ll be able to keep the quality consistent throughout the film.

The green-band trailer replaces many of the great bits from the red-band with more exposition. If they had only released this trailer,  instead of letting us glimpse the red-band early, I would have even bigger doubts about the film. This is definitely one of those films that are better sold with their red-band trailer.

Check out the trailer below, or in HD over at Yahoo.

At the very least, MacGruber looks like it may be worth a watch just for Forte, Wiig, and Val Kilmer’s scenery chomping as the villain. It remains to be seen if the test screening review that called it “the best SNL film since Wayne’s World” is accurate. MacGruber seems to be going more the Austin Powers route (yes, I know it wasn’t an SNL adaptation) when it comes to spoofing the spy genre, but the R-rating should help differentiate it a bit.

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