Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Random Things I Need To Say

Random Things I Need To Say
Do you ever have a week that is so crazy you have to remind yourself to even eat?  That is exactly what I’ve been going through for the past two weeks, and this is why I have been MIA for the past week.  I have no time to write the fifteen or so separate blog posts I [...]

Do you ever have a week that is so crazy you have to remind yourself to even eat?  That is exactly what I’ve been going through for the past two weeks, and this is why I have been MIA for the past week. 

I have no time to write the fifteen or so separate blog posts I have in my head, so I’m mashing them all up in this ADHD mental purge while talking a much needed break from filing out medical records.  I have been filling out paperwork for four hours.  Not only am I getting ready for my my fourth doctor’s appointment in two weeks tomorrow, but I’m also trying to get into the only clinical trial for connective tissue diseases in the entire U.S.  and the paperwork is killing me.


  • Monday morning I finished reading the best book I’ve read all year, John Irving’s latest book Last Night in Twisted River.  I wrote out half of my review this morning then crashed for four hours.  I hope to post it soon.  My goodness, I love it when a book get’s me all crazy in love.  People, go get it in the meantime!
  • I have been thinking that with all of the remakes out there in Hollywood, I’d suggest to them to remake Slapshot.  I even spelled out the entire cast and wrote up a fabulous blog post, only to have read on IMDB that they are remaking the film.  What a waste of an hour …  
  • My book club was not as successful as I had hoped, and I am wondering why.
  • I watched Into The Wild last night and was blown away.  Who has read the book, and how much better is it than the movie?
  • I’ve always enjoyed vampire films, but after being over saturated with New Moon, First Blood, and The Vampire Diaries, I’m just done.  I can’t take hearing about one more vampire movie, book or tv show or I’m going to stab myself through the heart with a wooden stake.  Anyone else feel this way?
  • My step-daughter doesn’t ever seem to have homework and yet she got all A’s and one B this semester.  She kills me.  She goes to a hard high school and she is also an athlete.  I wonder if she worked to her full potential just what she could accomplish in her life.  This makes me wonder what I could have done if only I applied myself in high school instead of skipping classes daily and getting 25% knocked off all of my grades all four years.  Damn ADHD.  Thank god by college I buckled down.  I had a rare dream (I don’t dream often as I rarely go into REM sleep.  My last sleep study showed three nine minute REM stages, how sad- I miss dreaming.)  this afternoon about high school and how I was so scared to write for the school newspaper, as I was afraid of competing with the other writers, especially the one who was my boyfriend.  So stupid, right?  This is why I have never even submitted one single story for publication, I think I suck and everyone else is way better at writing than I am.  I wish some kind experienced writer would take me under their wing and mentor me, give me the courage and guidance I need.  I have been trying to finish my novel I started in 1991.  Not one page has been written since then.
  • I’m reading Stephen King’s book On Writing and I feel foolish never knowing he was an alcoholic and did coke.  I rarely read about my favorite living authors, as I like to get to know them in their books rather than outside of their books, probably since so many actors have ruined their careers for me by turning up in tabloids and news acting all stupid.  I think it is a while mystery thing for me.  But now after getting half way through this book I want to know everything about Mr. King.  I know a girl who lives in Maine and she told me that he goes around Borders Bookstore and signs copies of his books to surprise fans.  Is that not the coolest thing you’ve ever heard?  Feel free to share some Steven King stories with me here.
  • I’m trying not to freak out about the many new weird things going on with my body lately.  Now I have PAC’s (Pre-Arthymia) and I’ve been totally exhausted and can’t sleep more than a few hours due to both hyper and hypo thyroid.  And my eye lashes and hair are falling out like crazy … I even have a mini bald spot in my hair line.  Plus my right eye is getting smaller because I may have Graves Disease, not to mention that my Neuropathy pain is so bad that I’m going to ask for pain pills for the first time in my life.  I had a friggin hysterectomy and only took morphine one out of the four days I was in the hospital and barely popped any other pain pills during recovery even though I had eleven staples in my belly and the surgery was difficult as my poor uterus had split in half and slipped into my pelvic bone.  Right now I am in so much pain because my hands and feet are so cold that it feels like I have frost bite, which is another reason I haven’t been blogging.  I hate taking my hands outside of my heating pad or the blanket.
  • I finally got a king sized bed, even though I know we shouldn’t have spent the money since I’m unemployed.  My guilt lasted until I laid down in it the first night, and I’m happy to report that is was like I was laying in the womb with my down comforter and high thread count sheets.  (People, you need to go to if you ever need bedding.)  I almost texted all my friends “I think I just had a tiny orgasm” from the joy that bed gave me that first night but my phone was too far away.  I am desperate for sleep since I’ve had insomnia since I was five years old, and I’ve tried everything from black out curtains to wedge pillows, lavender scented linen spray, my college anthropology book, Ambian, Lunesta, Tylenol PM, no reading in bed, no tv in my bedroom, fake down bedding, and about sixty other things and nothing else in the past has worked for me.  I’m praying this new bed helps.  While I haven’t slept much since getting it Friday night, I have felt like a fairy princess and this makes me very happy.
  • I am still loving V and I finally watched Flash Forward again.  Thank god for sci-fi shows in these rough reality tv and weak comedy tv show times.   And my Glee, love it, love it.  Can’t wait, tomorrow’s show looks fantastic.  I want the soundtrack #1 so bad.  Also, I have been watching Gossip Girl and that threesome was so dumb.  I hate ratings stunts over good writing.  Also, two weeks ago on GG (the debutont ball episode) I am happy to report that a blog friend of mine is the aunt of the hot young actor who Queen Jenny wanted to be her date.  She told me he was going to be on like a few months ago and I was thrilled to hear he was the hottie.  I wonder if he will take off from this?
  • I am dying to see a good movie – I’ve seen only two in theatres all year, and it looks like quite a few good ones are coming out within the next month.  I hope I can make it to a theatre soon.  Any of you seen anything good lately?  I’m really looking forward to New York I Love You, It’s Complicated, and Brothers as well as that George Clooney one, especially since it was partially filmed in Detroit at our new fancy airport terminal.
  • I think my brother is beating up my mom.  Long story, but I am about 90% sure of it.  She is so scared of him that she refused to even give me his phone number until I screamed and screamed and threatened to never talk to her again.  I know she called him first to get permission, as she called me back with it ten minutes later.  So sick.  She kept repeating “You don’t know how he gets” and I can only imagine this may be the reason she gave him her entire inheritance.
Posted in book blogs, books, bookworms, Dysautonomia, Flash Forward, George Clooney, Glee, gossip girl, John Irving, Last Night in Twisted River, Neuropathy, random thoughts, reading, Stephen King, television, tv, TV Blogs, tv shows, V, vampires, writing Tagged: ADHD, blogging, entertainment, First Blood, Health, humor, John Irving Last Night in Twisted River, New Moon, news, personal, sleep deprivation, The Vampire Diaries, Thyroid


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