Catch up on the latest tweets from your favorite celebrity mamas and papas (and babies)!
@maxarmstrong1 - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
@RealScottBaio - "Bailey DeLuca Baio PLEASE stop handing me your boogers" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more "Here Dada" with the boogers.
@DENISE_RICHARDS - my daughter Sami is performing in her 1st play tomorrow at school,The Little Engine that Could, can't wait to see her. so proud of her!!
@tristasutter - fave part of day = nursing Blakesley & having Max look over at me every couple mins w/ a big smile & say "mommeeee". never a love like that
@sarajcox - Having the best time, have created a little nest in my bed, endless feeding, cuddling, snoozing, snacking, nappies, kisses & day-dreaming.
@iamdiddy - Yall know sean is a irish name!!!! I'm a honorary irishman!!!! Happy st. Patty s day!
@peterfacinelli - Just saw Alice in Wonderland in 3-D. Pretty cool. When Johnny Depp is done w/ the contacts 4 the Mad Hatter we need them back 4
Don't forget to follow Celebrity Baby Scoop on twitter!

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